
Niclas Karlsson
Development of the Magnetic interpreter.

David Kinder
Magnetic 2.x development, Windows, MS-DOS (32-bit) and Amiga ports.

Stefan Meier
Magnetic 2.x development, JMagnetic Java port and the Magnetic Scrolls Memorial web site.

Paul David Doherty
Magnetic 2.x development, story file extraction, help and testing.

Stefan Jokisch
MS-DOS (16-bit) port.

Torbjörn Andersson
Unix/Gtk port.

Simon Baldwin
Glk port.

Rochus Boerner
Title screen pictures.

For comments and bug reports, our thanks go to Toine de Greef, Jacob Gunness, Kai Hesse and Miron Schmidt.

Windows Magnetic uses libpng by Guy Eric Schalnat, Andreas Dilger, Glenn Randers-Pehrson, and others, and zlib by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. Images are scaled using code written by Eran Yariv.