Graphics Files

The Magnetic Scrolls adventures were as well known for the quality of their graphics as of their text. The Magnetic interpreter supports graphics files (".gfx") which can be created from the Amiga releases. The graphics files can be obtained from the Internet, from Stefan Meier's Magnetic Scrolls Memorial.

The format of Magnetic's graphics files differs between the original and Magnetic Windows ("Wonderland" and "Collection Volume 1") releases, therefore a story file created from an original release cannot be used with a graphics file from a Magnetic Windows release, and vice versa.

Included with the interpreter are GfxLink and GfxLink2, tools to build graphics files from the original Amiga releases of the Magnetic Scrolls games. GfxLink and GfxLink2 (discussed below) are Win32 console programs, so must be run from an MS-DOS prompt under Windows. To use GfxLink, supply as arguments the directory containing the Amiga files and the output graphics file name, e.g.

    GfxLink C:\UAE\Games\ThePawn Pawn.gfx
The graphics files needed for "Wonderland" and the games in "Collection Volume 1" are somewhat different from those produced by GfxLink; instead GfxLink2 must be used. Firstly, you need an Amiga hard-drive installation of the game, and during installation must have selected the option to expand the compacted graphics files. If you choose this option, two extra files ("user.rsc" and "user.rdf") are created by the installer. Then to use GfxLink2, supply as an argument the full path to the "user.rsc" file, e.g.
    GfxLink2 C:\UAE\Games\Wonder\user.rsc
If GfxLink2 detects "Wonderland", the file "wonder.gfx" will be created; if "Collection Volume 1" is detected, the files "corrupt.gfx", "fish.gfx" and "guild.gfx" will be created.