Music Files

The last Magnetic Scrolls game, "Wonderland", came with several pieces of MIDI music that are played at points during the game. The Magnetic interpreter supports a music file (with the same name as the game file, but ending in ".snd") which can be created from the Amiga or MS-DOS releases. The music file can be obtained from the Internet, from Stefan Meier's Magnetic Scrolls Memorial.

Included with the interpreter is SndLink, a tool to build the music file from the original Amiga or MS-DOS releases of "Wonderland". SndLink is a Win32 console program, so must be run from an MS-DOS prompt under Windows. To use SndLink, supply as an argument the location of the "all.rsc" file from the installation of "Wonderland", e.g.

    SndLink -p C:\UAE\Games\Wonderland\all.rsc