Commodore 64 Story Files

Story files can be created by extracting the data from C64 disk images (i.e. files representing the contents of the games released for the Commodore 64). These files are identified by having a file name ending with ".d64". Disk images for "The Pawn", "The Guild of Thieves", "Corruption", "Jinxter" and "Fish!" can be found on the Internet on numerous C64 web sites.

To convert these files to the interpreter's own format the Xtract64 program, which is included with this interpreter, must be used. Xtract64 is a Win32 console program, so must be run from an MS-DOS prompt under Windows. Run Xtract64 without any arguments to read a help screen. The syntax is:

    Xtract64 disk1.d64 disk2.d64 game.mag
For example, for "The Pawn", the command line might be:
    Xtract64 pawn1.d64 pawn2.d64 pawn.mag